Board of Directors 2018 to 2020 Term
In Numbers There is Strength
IAR membership means fellowship with other automotive dismantlers and recyclers. It means exchanging ideas and promoting common action.
In addition, through membership in one state trade association, automotive recyclers have strong representation before government agencies, consumers, and the larger automotive industry. Membership is open to those engaged in automotive recycling in the state of Iowa. Associate members are suppliers to the industry.
What Does IAR Do?
IAR protects your interests, enhances your image, informs and educates, and provides the opportunity to meet others in the dismantling field with whom you share common interests and goals. Through the thinking and action of its members, the Iowa Automotive Recyclers works to build and maintain the image of automotive recyclers in the state. IAR supports the free enterprise system, encourages equal opportunity for all citizens, works for responsible government and promotes the benefit of the industry.
IAR enables members to get involved and accomplish collectively what none of us could do individually. Its strength lies in attracting the greatest number of members, thereby creating a pool of resources from which to draw ideas, energies, and finances.
I'm encouraging the folks who purchased my yard to belong to the association for obvious reasons.
It's been a pleasure to be part of IAR with all they do for the industry.
204 Alta Vista Ave Waterloo, Iowa 50703 | email: |Fax or call: 319.233.7970
Your partners in advancing the automotive recycling industry Iowa!
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